
I am trying to create a plate using a Bezier curve as the profile then use the screw modifier to create the full outline as in this video tutorial, when I apply the screw modifier to the curve that I have created it makes a black 2d horizontal slice instead of the full 3d plate outline.

Bezier curve for plate outline This shows the bezier curve I have drawn

failed screw modification This shows what happens after the screw modifier is applied

I tried using a line drawn with Nurbs Curve and was able to apply the screw modifier to create a 3d object.

Nurbs Curve with screw modifier

I am not sure what it is that I am doing wrong, any help that you can give will be greatly appreciated.

Edit -

Explanation for answer


1 Answer 1


I suspect you've scaled the curve to 0 in one dimension or another, in Object mode, to flatten it. If the object carries that transform, it still will, after being modified. Ctrl A > Apply the scale of your curve.

Think twice, every time you scale in Object mode during modelling. Prefer to do it in Edit mode.

  • $\begingroup$ Thank you so much, that was it, I have been trying to figure that out for a couple of hours now $\endgroup$
    – Liam
    Commented Aug 8, 2020 at 7:41

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