So, let's say we have a "speed" of 6.918m per 20 frames.
6.918 is the movement distance in the top left of the GIF below - the movement occurs over 20 frames - hence, 6.918 metres per 20 frames.
Next, I would like to keyframe the object to continue moving 3 frames later, at the same speed.
For simplicity, let's presume I am using linear interpolation. To keep movement speed consistent, I would need to move the object by ((6.918 ÷ 20) × 3) =
1.077 metres.
- I would like to be able to do this without using a calculator every time.
- I would like to be able to make the object travel in a circle, figure of eight, or any hand-keyframed movement I would like on any axis, at the same speed.
- I would like to also be able to do this with rotations.
Therefore, my question is: How can I set a 'speed' for my object so that I am able to move and rotate it at a consistent rate across multiple keyframes?
For extra clarification, I would like to achieve this:
But without using a calculator, and moving the box on all 3 axis at once (notice in the gif I can only move the box on one axis at a time) by setting keyframes. Also to do something similar but with rotations.