
enter image description here

i want to connect bone 1 and 2 together however i am not able parent any to the other

notice that bone 1 is not in the same group as of bone 2 , basically group "2" is a duplicate of group "1" with a rotation of 180 degrees about the z-axis

thanks in advance.


2 Answers 2


In Edit Mode select the head only of bone 1, then press Shift+S > Cursor to Selected, then select the tail only of bone 2 and presse Shift+S > Selection to Cursor.

Then select the bone 1, Shift select the bone 2, and press Ctrl+P > Connected. Different bone groups are not a problem because they are referred to Pose Mode, not Edit Mode.

  • $\begingroup$ they still do not connect : image $\endgroup$
    – AmirWG
    Commented Dec 17, 2019 at 15:04
  • $\begingroup$ There are two ipothesis: or you didn't follow the procedure exactly, or your file has some starnge issue. In this latter case you should upload your file, to inspect. $\endgroup$ Commented Dec 17, 2019 at 19:39
  1. To do that, go to Edit Mode and select the tail of the bone to which you want the disconnected bone to be connected, and press Shift+S to set 3D cursor to tail.

    set cursor to tail of bone

  2. Now select the head of disconnected bone, press Shift+S to set the selection to 3D cursor. This will copy the transformations of child bone's tail to the head of parent bone.

    set selection to 3D cursor

  3. At last just select the child bone press Shift and select parent bone, Then press Ctrl+P to connect bones.

    connect the child bone to parent bone


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