
I am trying to make a UV map for these stairs. I created the stairs by join multiple blocks which you can see in the image. When I just select the faces on one side and select 'F' to 'Make Edge/Face' it doesn't make them into one face. I have been able to do this before on another object but can't seem to get it to do it on this object. What am I doing wrong?

When I join I would prefer it to just get rid of all interior edges anyways so it is just one object. Is there some setting I am missing?



3 Answers 3


You can't join the faces because all your cubes are different objects. Maybe you thought it was one and unique object because in Blender 2.8 you can edit several objects at the same time, but they are still not one object. Therefore, to merge the faces, you need to join your different cubes with ctrl J, delete inner faces, remove doubles (increase the Merge Distance value of the Remove Doubles on the bottom of the Tools panel if it's not enough), then fill the faces.

  • $\begingroup$ I can send you the file with merged objects. I uploaded before I merged the objects in case I did something wrong there. Even after I join all of them into a single object, I still can't connect faces. Below is the file with the joined object. $\endgroup$
    – ravasheen
    Commented Nov 23, 2018 at 7:39
  • $\begingroup$ <img src="https://blend-exchange.giantcowfilms.com/embedImage.png?bid=5539" /> $\endgroup$
    – ravasheen
    Commented Nov 23, 2018 at 7:40
  • $\begingroup$ I am using version 2.7 because that is the version that works with the other software I am using in conjunction with blender. $\endgroup$
    – ravasheen
    Commented Nov 23, 2018 at 7:40
  • $\begingroup$ Edit: I thought I got it to work, but still not working :( $\endgroup$
    – ravasheen
    Commented Nov 23, 2018 at 7:42
  • $\begingroup$ you need to delete all the inner faces + remove doubles, increase the Merge Distance value of the Remove Doubles if it's not enough $\endgroup$
    – moonboots
    Commented Nov 23, 2018 at 7:43

You can build this using blocks, but in this case your model will not be solid. Blender is not a CAD program and will not automatically delete inner faces. So think about other ways to build this shape. For example, using extruding:

enter image description here

So start with grid, delete all faces that you don't need, when extrude it (E) After that press Ctrl+N to make sure, that normals are correct


Having a look at the simplest case:

  • In Edit Mode, you can duplicate a cube, and snap it to itself.
  • Then hit 'Remove Doubles'. The system obliges, and removes 4 coincident vertices.
  • But it does not remove internal faces.

(At this stage, you could still Select > Select All by Trait > Select Internal Faces, catch the one on the inside, and delete it)

  • Now hit F on the front pair of faces.
  • Again, the system obliges, and removes the central edge from the definition of the front faces.
  • But it has not removed the edge from the definition of the internal face, so it is still there.

Now the 'inside' face is not even recognized as internal any more - and the mesh is truly pathological, and hard to fix.

enter image description here

So alarm bells should go off in your head whenever you think you might be creating internal faces - avoid them altogether. A possible route to an Ngon-sided staircase is as follows, where the third step is an X > Limited Dissolve of edges, all selected.

enter image description here


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