
Bones are on layer 9:

enter image description here

I already turn X-Ray on "Bones", but bones didn't appear...

enter image description here

How can I make the bones and mesh become together likes this: enter image description here

This came from this site.

If you want to download the file. (You have to create an account to the site in order to download it, so I upload it on Google Drive if you want to download it. The size is 2 MB.)


6 Answers 6


Did you try clicking layer 9 and then shift clicking the layer where your mesh is?

If so, go over to the panel where the camera is. Find the armature selection and click on it, then press Alt + H press Tab to go between tabs and press Alt + H.

Your bones should appear. Remember that both the mesh layer and the armature layer have to be selected at the same time.


In 2.8, it is now called In Front. It can be found at Properties > Object Data tab > Viewport Display section > In Front.


Here it is for For Blender 2.91, I just wish the developers would stop messing with the workflow and renaming stuff

enter image description here


In the Object Properties under display enable x-ray enter image description here


Every object seems to have its own xray setting. Try switching xray off in body and on in armature. Something I worked out earlier


For Blender 4.0, the feature is in the Object Data Properties tab.

Blender Armature "In Front" Feature


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