The image above shows a simple hook modifier setup with the hook object (the empty) moved. At the end of the line there is a small black dot denoting the rest position of the object. How can I get the empty back there?
Note: The options "reset" and "recenter" both don't accomplish what I want. Reset will put the object back into it's original state without moving the hook. Recenter will put the origin of the hook to the 3D cursor, but once again not move it.
Why do I want this? Well, I have an object rigged with hooks that has already been transformed and don't want to change the rig by changing the rest positions of the hooks. It seems like the rest positions are not centered around the hooked vertices so selecting the geometry and placing the hook there is not an option :(
HookModifierData { .. float cent[3]; ..
for the hook centre is not exposed as a RNA property. My guess is that it is not yet possible without a very minor patch to blenders source code. Actually just 4 lines of code will do the trick. Ill probably provide a patch to the blender tracker. $\endgroup$
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