
I get a "Transform curve to mesh in order to apply constructive modifiers" error when I try to apply the geometry nodes. I'm using a curve to generate geometry in a similar fashion to what's being done in this question, but Realize Instances won't cut here because the geometry is being generated through Curve To Mesh and Extrude Mesh.

How to get it to work?


1 Answer 1


You can only apply a modifier if the underlying object is a mesh.

You can convert the object to a mesh with Object > Convert > Mesh (or with RMB > Convert To > Mesh), and then the modifier can be applied.

But if you want to convert directly the curve where you use the Geometry Nodes modifier, then you could create a cube, use the modifier there and include the curve with Object Info. This will allow the modifier to be applied to the cube, and your curve will still be a curve:

enter image description here


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