Is there a vertex/edge slide like tool for curves?
In other words, I'd like to be able to edit the curve in the same way I can with a mesh, by sliding a vertex along a connecting edge:
Is this possible?
Straightforward way, no (currently). But possible to make it in another way.
If the cuve is as simple as a poly spline, I think you can try converting it to a mesh first, tweak it with Vertex Slide tool, then convert back to curve, but the original paramters on curve may lose then. Or:
Select the target curve point, CtrlH > Hook to New Object;
ShiftD to duplicate, then AltC2Convert the curve in to mesh object;
Tab in to the Edit Mode, select the target vertex, CtrlRMB to select the hook (a empty object) while still in Edit Mode, CtrlP > to make vertex parent. Then you can slide that vertex in the mesh to control the target curve point.
Another way is to use the handle orientation as transformation reference:
Found something very close. Within addons, turn on experimental, go into Add Curve: Simple Curve. Turn on addon. Go into miscellaneous tab of the tool shelf. Click divide. Go down to the tool settings panel below on the same side. Change percentage value.
This is the closest I can get trying to find an intersect of 2 curves. Blender is in need of various CAD tools specifically for curves.
This might help : as seen on this post, you can use the curve tools addon shipped with Blender to subdive along path: