
How would I create a stripe on top of a brick texture?

Currently I have the brick texture setup like this. enter image description here

Which gives me this result enter image description here

But I'm stuck now as I don't know how to add the white stripes which appear every 5 rows or so for 2 rows.

This is how it looks and what I would like to achieve.

enter image description here


1 Answer 1


Use two brick textures. The trick is thinking of one that can be used as a mask to mix the original texture with some other color, the white elements will be one texture, the black elements will be a color (or a different texture if plugged to the other socket of a mix color node).

On the second brick texture play with scale Mortar size and Brick, until you get a black and white pattern. This pattern (or mask) will be used to determine what parts of the object get the small bricks.

Evaluate the results by plugging the output to the shader you will use, but using the Fac output instead of color.

enter image description here

Then use that same Fac output to control the color on a color mix node.

enter image description here

Additionally, you can use a mapping node to set the texture's scale on $X$ to zero so that you are left only with horizontal stripes.

enter image description here

enter image description here


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