I have a mesh with millions of densely packed vertices, and I what I want to do is be able to bisect them into separate objects. What I struggle with is selecting the vertices I want to be separated from the original mesh.
Trying with the solution given to this question gives me odd results, with either selected vertices not being within the given coordinates or selecting no vertices at all. Naturally, when I then separate the selected vertices I only separate the ones still selected from when I bisected the original object.
What am I missing here? Is there another way of selecting vertices that works better with my intentions or have I just slipped somewhere and can't see it myself?
This is the current structure of my code:
# centers the median point to center of mesh
def CenterMedianPoint():
filepath = bpy.path.abspath("//space_view3d_move_origin.py")
exec(compile(open(filepath).read(), filepath, 'exec'))
# deselects all objects
def DeselectObjects():
for obj in bpy.data.objects:
obj.select = False
# bisects object based on coordinates and direction
def BisectObject(coX, coY, coZ, noX, noY, noZ):
bpy.ops.mesh.bisect(plane_co=(coX, coY, coZ), plane_no=(noX, noY, noZ))
# get the dimensions of active object
dimensionX, dimensionY, dimensionZ = bpy.context.active_object.dimensions
# calculate dimensions and cell structure
cutObjectDimensionX = dimensionX / 5
cutObjectDimensionY = dimensionY / 5
cutObjectDimensionZ = dimensionZ / 5
objectStartX = (dimensionX * (-1)) / 2
objectStartY = (dimensionY * (-1)) / 2
objectStartZ = (dimensionZ * (-1)) / 2
objectEndX = dimensionX / 2
objectEndY = dimensionY / 2
objectEndZ = dimensionZ / 2
cellCount = 1
parentCellCount = 1
# first cut iteration
for i in range(0, 4):
# selects object, enters EDIT mode and centers median point for easier coordinate calculation
bpy.context.scene.objects.active = bpy.data.objects['objectToBisect']
bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode = 'EDIT')
# bisects objcet and selects bisected vertices
BisectObject(0, (cutObjectDimensionZ-(cutObjectDimensionZ*i)), 0, 0, 1, 0)
SelectVerticesInBound(bpy.data.objects['objectToBisect'], Vector((objectStartX, (cutObjectDimensionY-(cutObjectDimensionY*i)), objectStartZ)), Vector((objectEndX, objectEndY, objectEndZ)))
# separates selected vertices into new object
bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode = 'OBJECT')
CenterMedianPoint script can be found here
coX, coY, coZ
as the first three params. But you are calling with0, (cutObjectDimensionZ-(cutObjectDimensionZ*i)), 0
. Any particular reason for using z dimension in place of y? $\endgroup$