Target: Emissive Intensity Increasesincreases as aan empty comes closer, the object is a mesh that is being instanced on a grid ( following Zach Hixson's tutorial : Hixson's tutorial ),. I also have a Rotation transformation based on vector distance of the empty and vector list of the verticiesvertices of the grid ( alsoalso following the same tutorial series ).
My Animation Node Experience: beginner
What iI Did: I Used The rotation value ( 0-180 ) and mapped that to like 0-5 and plugged it to the cycles material output to the emissive strength.
Problem: Does not work as intended, instead of it increasing the emissive by roatationrotation, the material is universally changed and seems to follow a single "instance".
SolltutionSolution: probablyProbably need to create a material list?? i dunno. Need help.Preferably InsteadPreferably instead of just showing whatwhat it is , try to explain howhow and whywhy it is. itIt will help me and others who browse this domiandomain.
Thank You ( also what ritual do iI need to complete to summon Omar Ahmed )