I'm using Geometry Nodes to to instance two meshes onto another mesh, here an icosphere to start out, such that I can develop sets of modular 3d printable "Hubs" and "Struts" that I'll be using for costume elements.
Getting the "Hubs," (at the icosphere vertices with their z-axes pointing outward from the ico's vertex normals) in the mesh was fairly easy, but I'm having some trouble getting the "Struts" to behave the way I want. Apparently a solution is somewhere in this answer Geometry Nodes: Instance And Align Mesh Along Edge? but I can't quite figure it out (I'm relatively new to Geometry Nodes, and have a pretty basic understanding of vector math).
The two issues I'm having:
1 - some of the instances' z-axes are pointing "erratically." I suspect that this may have to do with a zero or one vector or value getting thrown somewhere, but even if that's the case I don't know how to deal with it.
2 - when I deform the icosphere mesh, the edges begin to point "erratically" in the affected area.
The images show what I have so far: