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Geometry Nodes: Instance And Align Mesh Along Edge?

I have created these two elements (as individual objects): Objects meant for instancing

I have also created an Icosphere (and modified it a bit) to use as a guide/lattice for structure.

I would like to create a Geometry Nodes thing that instances the "circular" object on the vertices of the lattice mesh (I've accomplished this part) and also instances the "long" object along the edges of the lattice mesh, to basically come up with this kind of look (but on the surface of the 3D Icosphere): The Goal

Here's what I have so far. You can see that I've instanced the circular object on the vertices of the icosphere, as I wanted. But I can't figure out a good way of instancing the "long" mesh so that it goes along each of the edges:

Terminators instanced on points/vertices

How could I go about doing that? Also to mention: Not all edges are the same length, so it would need to scale with the length of the edge as well.

Here is what I have in Geometry Nodes so far, although this is just a the instancing on points so far:

Geo Nodes so far