I have this view in Edit Mode
and different view in Rendered Mode
How is it possible?
Many thanks!
I did it. Now it is better but is not circle like in Edit mode shows
I can't add the last picture..it's too large.
I have this view in Edit Mode
and different view in Rendered Mode
How is it possible?
Many thanks!
I did it. Now it is better but is not circle like in Edit mode shows
I can't add the last picture..it's too large.
You have N-gons in the mesh. And they get triangulated wrong in the rendering then. That's the spikes that you see. The solution is to make those problematic N-Gons to at least quad faces.
Select those N-Gons, then use Mesh/Faces/Triangulate Faces (Ctrl + T) to make them tris. Mesh/Faces/Tris to Quads (Alt +J ) to make them quads again. Or alternatively use the knife tool to add some extra edges.