Lets say I have two sets of tracking points with the same number of points/set, is it possible to associate points from one set to the other and make them interpolate in time?
As suggested by @poor, I'll try to clarify what I try to achieve. This question originates from @cegaton's comment in 2D morphing video images.
I am trying to use the tracker to morph from two video sequences. Imagine two videos, first video has a square moving from left to right of the screen, second video has a rectangle moving the same way. I track four vertices of square as object A and the rectangle's as object B. Both tracking points move according the the image of its video from left to right, but what I want is to interpolate those tracking points (I don't know if creating a new object C or just modifying one of the existing objects) so that at the same time they move from right to left they also aproximate positions of object's A points to object's B points. In the end we will have four points moving both from left to right and adjusting position from A to B thus making posible using on a plane two videos that distort and fade from video A to B.
Hope this makes sense.