
I'm trying to combine two color attribute in texture: shader

and at this point character looks as it should: character

but when I'm trying to bake it to texture with this settings: bake settings

I'm getting strange baked texture: baked texture

and difference in character's viewport: viewport

As I found out the reason is selected UV, which will be used for baking. But I don't understand what to do when I have multiple UVs? Every UV will give me different result when in original shader I'm getting combination of all UVs (I suppose). How can I properly bake this attributes to texture

  • $\begingroup$ Select the UV map that should be used for baking in the Object Data Properties > UV Maps list or connect a UV Map node to the Image Texture node $\endgroup$
    – Blunder
    Commented Nov 8 at 23:37
  • $\begingroup$ @Blunder as I said "Every UV will give me different result when in original shader I'm getting combination of all UVs (I suppose)". So I can't get the proper result using just one UV. $\endgroup$ Commented Nov 9 at 14:03

1 Answer 1


You need to make sure:

  • The UV layout does not have overlaps.
  • When visualizing the texture — the UV layout it was baked for is plugged.

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