I'm trying to write custom OpenGL renderer that produces the exact same images as blender. However I struggle with getting camera right.
I duplicated this code and I managed to produce the exact same matrix as in calc_matrix_camera
render = bpy.context.scene.render
depsgraph = bpy.context.evaluated_depsgraph_get()
proj_matrix = bpy.context.scene.camera.calc_matrix_camera(depsgraph,x=render.resolution_x,y=render.resolution_y,scale_x=render.pixel_aspect_x,scale_y=render.pixel_aspect_y)
I get the model-view matrix identical as in bpy.context.scene.camera.matrix_world
but for testing purposes I always place camera at the origin point with no rotation (so model-view matrix is the identity matrix). However I still cannot get the renderings right. What I find suspicious is that
returns a different value from
2.0*math.atan( 1.0/proj_matrix[1][1])
(explanation of math here). I suspect there is some extra logic that I'm not taking into account. How do I get aspect ratio and fov from blender? Which of those values is correct?