
Clothing poking through base model

I have recently started doing modding for Skyrim legendary edition and have imported the female nif file to use as a base when creating clothes, however, whenever I try and run the simulation, the clothes have this clipping issue as seen in the picture. I have tried messing around with the cloth settings, but things just got worse. I can provide more pictures upon request. In addition, is this body okay for using? Or would I need to get a different one to model my clothes on? My goal is to inject these clothes into the Skyrim game.


1 Answer 1

  • Uncheck "Single Sided" in the Collision modifier for the bra.
  • Removed doubles and loose vertices on cloth.
  • Subdivided cloth for more resolution.
  • Increased Quality Steps under Cloth and Collisions in the cloth settings to 10.
  • Reduced Tension to allow the cloth to stretch which prevented the cloth from slipping off.

enter image description here


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