
I'm making an audio visualizer. It uses shape keys to move individual bars and I'm using bake sound to fcurves function to animate each bar. This is how a channel of a shape key looks like after I bake the sound into it:

enter image description here

Now the thing is, shape keys accept only values in (0,1) interval. Baking can produce values anywhere above 0. So if the baked sound exceeds value of 1 on the Y axis, I need to multiply the entire channels Y axis by a value like 0.8 or 0.5 so it fits the shape key. Similarly, if the baked sound is too low, like the provided screenshot, I might want to multiply the channels Y axis by 2 to increase it's strength.

I could eyeball those values and do it myself ... or maybe you guys could help me write a script that normalizes each channel so it fits an interval (0,1) perfectly.

for j in range(0,len(ranges)-1): #goes through each shape key (channel) 1 by 1
    bpy.ops.anim.channels_select_all(action='DESELECT') #deselects channels
    bpy.ops.anim.channels_find(query='(Key '+str(j+1)+')') #queries for a single channel
    bpy.ops.anim.channels_select_all(action='SELECT') #selects the channel
    bpy.ops.graph.sound_bake(filepath=file,low = ranges[j], high = ranges[j+1]) #bakes sound into the channel
    bpy.ops.graph.unbake() #unbakes the channel so its editable
    bpy.ops.graph.select_all(action='SELECT') #selects unbaked values
    bpy.context.space_data.pivot_point = 'CURSOR' #sets transform pivot to 0,0
    bpy.ops.transform.resize(value=(1, 2, 1)) #multiplies given channel on the Y axis by a value of 2

So the last line of code is the issue. I need my script to determine the Y axis multiplier on it's own. I'm thinking if I can access an array that holds all values of a channel, I could find the highest value and do some math to figure out how to multiply it.



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