Hey all is there a way to prevent meshes from moving in the z axis below the grid?
I want to have a solid floor to work on Quickly without always needing to check the transform to 0 on Z
Hey all is there a way to prevent meshes from moving in the z axis below the grid?
I want to have a solid floor to work on Quickly without always needing to check the transform to 0 on Z
You could create a plane on Z = 0 (an empty will do, too, but you might want to hide what's below), then apply a Mirror modifier along Z around that plane, with Clipping enabled:
This will effectively clamp vertex positions:
If you leave a vertex at the plane, it will stick to it, and you will have to temporarily disable Clipping to be able to move it away:
If it's just a flat floor, you can simply lock the Z location in the Transform panel.
No matter how you'll move it, it'll stay at the same Z coordinates.