I'm having such a hard time trying to fathom the dimensions of this object I just imported:
x 54.6m y 169m z 79.8m
It would seem to me that the height(z-axis) would be 3-5 times greater than the width or the length( x- or y-axis).
I'm having such a hard time trying to fathom the dimensions of this object I just imported:
x 54.6m y 169m z 79.8m
It would seem to me that the height(z-axis) would be 3-5 times greater than the width or the length( x- or y-axis).
From the properties panel to the right of the viewport in your screenshot, the mesh is rotated 90 degrees around the X axis. The dimensions are shown as local to the object, so what you’re seeing in the scene is the object after the rotation. Rotating around X will effectively swap the Y and Z dimensions - so ‘Y’ is the height of the figure.