EDIT: I know this is a hack. The thing is why this hack works in Compositor and not as a texture?
I ran into an issue when editing OpenColorIO config file and I don't know if this is a bug or I misunderstood something. So I created this minimal example:
Let's say I have an image/texture in the 3D scene to serve as a reference - I want to see this image in the viewport with the original colors, while at the same time I would like to work on the 3D environment and render it in Filmic Log (in this example. Normally Filmic no-Log, but I will change the config file anyway, this is an ilustration).
So, the View Transform is sRGB / Filmic Log.
If I load this image in Compositor and assign ALSO "Filmic Log" as its color space, the image is output perfectly intact. However, if I assign this image as a texture, again with Filmic Log colorspace, then there are wrong colors are on the output.
You can see the difference side-by-side here, left half of the parrot is the perfect one from the compositor, right half of the parrot is the washed-out texture.
The material is simple Emission shader, the scene is otherwise empty, just camera and plane with texture.
I thought the textures is converted from preset color space (Filmic Log here) into to reference space (Linear) and then back to Filmic Log on the output, but it seems that something else is happening as well and I don't understand it. Thanks for any explanation! :)