I'm a long-time 3DS Max user recently converted to Blender (refugee from the monopoly and now financial oppression practiced by Autodesk). So far, I love many of the features in Blender more than Max - not to mention the pace of new development. One struggle I currently have, however, is the lack of Groups/Grouping in Blender 2.8. Does anyone know why they chose to eliminate such a useful and ubiquitous feature of all CAD programs?
I've tried using collections, but I can't simply click on a collection and then move/rotate/scale it as if one single group/object. I know you can parent objects to achieve this effect, but it's like using "Link" in 3DS Max and not very effective (because you always have to remember which object is the parent). The Join feature could also be an option, but it's more like simply attaching an element to a mesh in 3DS Max and also not practical for this reason (can't then easily transform/rotate a "joined" object within the larger object). Am I missing something? Has anyone found a practical work-around? Any idea if they'll bring back groups in an upcoming Blender release?