I imagine this is a fairly popular problem to have, but I can't seem to find the right terminology, so I apologize in advance.
I am currently creating rather simple shapes, mostly by combining simple meshes, using the boolean modifier. However, this leaves artifacts which lead to all kinds of unwanted behavior.
The simplest way to recreate what I mean is to boolean -> union two cubes of the same size:
The upper mesh in the picture is the union with all its weird artifacts, the lower mesh is what I'd like to get to. I tried mesh -> clean up in edit mode, but apart from removing loose vertices, it doesn't really help much. Also, just deleting them in edit mode leads to all kinds of weird behavior.
I also tried the remesh modifier, which works on the example above and feels like it's the right answer, but it just doesn't work at all on my actual project (which I don't want to share here). Can this be due to the fact that all kinds of already applied modifiers still interact with each other?
A somewhat adjacent problem I faced are vertices which lie on the inside of a mesh.
Is there a simple way to solve this? Ideal for my use would be a tool/modifier which essentially retraces the surface of a mesh and removes any unneeded vertices, such as vertices that are on a flat surface, or that are creating weird loops and such.
I hope that makes somewhat sense.
Thanks in advance and regards,