Details of the problem:
I already have two vectors A and B (A is converted to B by a certain rotation), and I can now calculate the quaternion of its rotation. Also insert a bone in the blender so that its coordinates are A, and rotate the bone using the quaternion obtained. In theory, the rotated bone coordinates should be B, but it is not. I don't know where I am wrong at the moment? The following is a specific example of my operation.
First, I inserted a single-segment bone with a length of 1 and the direction that is in the same direction as the positive z-axis. object_name = Armature, bone_name = Bone.
Vector((0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
Vector((0.0, 0.0, 1.0))
Quaternion((1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
Then, I find that the quaternion between (0,0,1) and (√3/3,√3/3,√3/3) is (0.8881, -0.3251, 0.3251, 0). Next, calling Blender's API to rotate the bone.
>>>['Armature'].pose.bones['Bone'].rotation_quaternion = mathutils.Quaternion((0.8881, -0.3251, 0.3251, 0))
However, the coordinates after the bone is rotated are not (√3/3, √3/3, √3/3), and the following is the bone information after the rotation.
Vector((0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
Vector((-0.21132488548755646, 0.5773503184318542, 0.7886751294136047))
Quaternion((0.8880738615989685, -0.32505759596824646, 0.32505759596824646, 0.0))
It can be seen that the quaternion has been successfully passed in but the coordinates of the bone are not the desired coordinates.
I don't know where I am doing wrong or what I understand wrong.
There is a problem that is very similar to my question, but he does not mention whether the rotated bones match the expected look. In fact, I think the two respondents to this question may be able to solve my problem, but I don't know how to contact them. Set the Rotation (in Quaternion WXZY) of a bone using API 2.49