As the title says I use AutoCad on a daily basis and a novice Blender user. Mainly 2D drafting is what I work with in AutoCad. I got to thinking about if Blender has any mesh modeling tools that can do stuff like in AutoCad with mesh models.
Offset tool Is there any type of offset tool in Blender? In AutoCad, the offset tool can copy a line or arc and displace the copy to a specified dimension away from the original making them parallel to each other.
From Base point tools In AutoCad, tools like copy, mirror, scale, rotate, etc. let you select a base point to work from. For example if you were to scale a circle up in size, AutoCad lets you pick a base point from a snap point or empty space and it will scale from there.
If you know any other tools that are similar that I havn't mentioned and would like to share, it would be very helpful.