I'm trying to do some fields calculation to avoid creating a "limited" sequential loop but I'm facing a little problem. Pretty sure this can be done but I've yet to find the solution. Here is The problem: I have 3 different types of splines join together using a join geometry node (as test samples). What I need is to get the next point positions for every point on a particular spline. For each point I've calculated the length of the spline is on. The index of the spline the the point is on. The point index per spline, and the next point index per spline. all I need now is to get the position vector of the point that matches the spline index and the next spline point (matching to columns to get the value from a third one) but I can't seem to find a solution.
Any Suggestions ?
P.S I'm aware that storing the attributes in the spreadsheet may not be necessary but until I find the solution it helps me visualize the fields context
Thank you Chris, thank you quellenform,
Chris, I'm not sure it's what I need or paraphs it is, in some weird combination. In you're setup all the points are being treated as a unit sequentially which is exactly what I'm trying to avoid by calculating all those attributes.
here is a better screenshot in witch I've tried to illustrate the problem I'm having:
As you can see in the spreadsheet, I need to transfer the position attributes from one row to another. The transfer should be done based on the next point of a "specific spline" and not all the points of all the splines. Each spline is Marked by a colored rectangle and is identifiable using the spline Index column, what I need is to match the "SplineNextPointIndex" with "SplinePointIndex" which are unique only within the context of "spline Index" and get the corresponding position.
I hope its clearer now, any help is welcomed:)