I have imported a large WRL file (contains >3000 parts) with colors included (one material for each part!). In Cycles and Blender-Render, the colors are rendered just fine.
But what do I do if I want Mitsuba, Luxrender or Yafaray as renderer? Is there a way to get the Blender-material-color and put that in a 3rd-party material?
I know how to make a material with python and apply it to a mesh. But how do I get the color of the selected object's blender-material?
How to make a Mitsuba, Luxrender or Yafaray matrial is one thing I yet have to find out too.
Thanks for your help.
bpy.data.materials["Material Name"].diffuse_color
. Cycles is trickier due to its node-based nature. $\endgroup$