
I personally prefer to use radians instead of degrees whenever possible, is just more comfortable to me. Is there any way to set blenders UI in a way where I never have to use degrees ever again and just interact with blender using radians?

I put this image up as an example, i'd just be really cool to be able to see rotation values as radians. Just a transform node in the geometry node system.

It'd be even cooler to see it as multiples of pi(not just input it as multiples of pi), but maybe that is asking for too much.

geometry nodes screenshot

  • 3
    $\begingroup$ I don't get why this got closed. The chosen duplicate matches very poorly and does not answer this question fully, since there are more ways to use different units than to set them as scene units - you can enter a number followed by r in any angle input field to use radians. $\endgroup$ Commented Sep 9, 2021 at 6:30
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ This a peculiar feature of Geometry Nodes, Blender 3.0a. Typing into the field converts from degrees to radians. Feeding the field from, say, a Combine XYZ, or an input piped out to the modifer, accepts radians directly. I would hope for a revision to consistency, in time. $\endgroup$
    – Robin Betts
    Commented Sep 9, 2021 at 9:53
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ @MartynasŽiemys The OP might have mistakenly accepted the duplicate unaware of its effects. Reopened now, answer away $\endgroup$ Commented Sep 9, 2021 at 10:29

3 Answers 3


You can use radians in a few different ways:

  • Set scene angle units to radians in the Scene tab, Properties editor under units:

enter image description here

  • Or you could leave default degrees, but specify that you are entering radians in any angle input field following the number with "r":

enter image description here

This does not seem to work correctly with radians set as scene units for some reason currently.

  • Input fields also accept functions degrees() or radians(), but that's probably too much typing.

  • if you wanted to use radians with rotate operator's numerical input, you also can do that after entering advanced input mode with Numpad *:

enter image description here


You can do this very easy, actually, by changing unit system in the Scene properties:

enter image description here

Just chose Rotation - Radians in the Units section.


As you may already know, typing pi into an input field will get the value of PI to that input. So using the formula deg_value= radians_value * 180 * 1 / pi, I suggest you to just add a few more nodes to your setup :

1- A Math node set to multiply. The top value will be 180 and the bottom socket would be the value of your angle in radians

2- Plug the output of that node to a second Math node set to multiply. The other value would be 1/180

After doing so, you can plug the output of the last node to where you want to input you angle.


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