You have a couple of issues. You have unapplied transforms on the armature object, and your armature is not in rest pose. Your clothing is built around the posed model.
Basically, you're using a bunch of different techniques to place things-- object transforms, edit mode changes, bone posing-- when you should just be using one. Each of these techniques works kind of differently from the others.
Start by unparenting all objects (alt-p -> clear and keep transforms). Next, find the armature modifier on your body and apply it from its drop-down menu. Repeat for the eye object, the eye occlusion object, the teeth, tongue, and conjunctiva objects.
Now, select your armature and enter pose mode. Select all bones and ctrl a (apply) -> apply pose as rest pose.
Return to object mode. Select all objects and apply rotation and scale (ctrl a -> apply rotation & scale). Parent objects to the armature as desired. You will have to reparent objects that were parented before (but you don't have to redo your weights if you don't want, just parent with armature deform or empty groups.)