I am trying to draw color to a duplicated face. If someone could help me, it would be very appreciated. I am actually working on eye painting but tried if easy sample also have same problem or not then it happened.
What I did was below.
- Create a new general which have a cube.
- Select face (3) below in picture right pane and duplicate it(shift + D) and move to (2).
- Put a loop cut which is (4).
- Select (4) and duplicate it(shift + D).
- Move the duplicated edge and move to (1) place.
- Grid fill the edge.
- Select all and made a texture paint slot.
- Paint on unwrapped 2D in left pane.
I can see the blue paint was applied to cube and duplicated face which is (2). However, never be able to paint on (1). I even tried to paint on right pane but also that did not work. I went to Edit mode on right pane then select each face. Other than (1), I can see the face was selected on left pane but nothing I could see for (1) selected.
I guess, it does not recognized as a face in blender. Can anyone help me to do fix this situation? I would like to paint on (1). Thank you for your support, in advance.