I tried to make a multiple file add-on using _ init _.py file I have two files from which I am trying to import operator and panel first file is material_operator.py in which I have defined an operator and second file is panel.py and in this, I have created a panel for the add-on. so, totally 3 files-
- _ init _.py
- material_operator.py
- panel.py
so when I install the add-on it is successfully installed and works properly, but the problem is when I open console it gives the following error -
fake_module: addon missing 'bl_info' gives bad performance!:
'C:\\Users\\ADMIN\\AppData\\Roaming\\Blender Foundation\\Blender\\2.83\\scripts\\addons\\panels.py'
fake_module: addon missing 'bl_info' gives bad performance!:
'C:\\Users\\ADMIN\\AppData\\Roaming\\Blender Foundation\\Blender\\2.83\\scripts\\addons\\shader.py'
my script is as follows -
_ init _.py
bl_info = { "name": "Add Test Material", "author": "Rakesh Choudhary", "version": (1, 0), "blender": (2, 83, 0), "location": "View3D > Sidebar > Test Material Node", "description": "Click on the 'Test Material' button to add a material to your object.", "warning": "", "wiki_url": "", "category": "3D View" } import bpy from bpy.types import ( Operator, Panel, ) from . import material_operator from . import panel def register(): material_operator.register() panel.register() def unregister(): material_operator.unregister() panel.unregister() if __name__ == "__main__": register()
material_operator.py - in this an operator is created in which a material is made
import bpy from bpy.types import ( Operator, Panel, ) class TEST_MATERIAL_OT_add_material(Operator): bl_idname = "test_material.add_material" bl_label = "Add Test Material" bl_description = "This button will add a material to your object" def execute(self, context): self.create_material() return {'FINISHED'} def create_material(self): test_shader_mat = bpy.data.materials.new("TestMat") mesh = bpy.context.object.data mesh.materials.clear() mesh.materials.append(test_shader_mat) bpy.context.object.active_material.use_nodes = True for mat in bpy.data.materials: if "TestMat" in mat.name: nodes = mat.node_tree.nodes for node in nodes: if node.type != 'OUTPUT_MATERIAL': # skip the material output node as we'll need it later nodes.remove(node) # Creating Node Group Test_Material group = bpy.data.node_groups.new(type="ShaderNodeTree", name="Test_Material") # Creating Group Input group.inputs.new("NodeSocketColor", "Diffuse Color") group.inputs.new("NodeSocketColor", "Glossy Color") group.inputs.new("NodeSocketFloat", "Glossyness") input_node = group.nodes.new("NodeGroupInput") input_node.location = (-800, 0) # Creating Group Output Node group.outputs.new("NodeSocketShader", "Diffuse Color") group.outputs.new("NodeSocketShader", "Glossy Color") group.outputs.new("NodeSocketShader", "Mix Output") output_node = group.nodes.new("NodeGroupOutput") output_node.location = (1500, 0) # Creating Diffuse Node diffuse_node = group.nodes.new(type='ShaderNodeBsdfDiffuse') diffuse_node.location = (150, 100) # Creating Glossy Node glossy_node = group.nodes.new(type='ShaderNodeBsdfGlossy') glossy_node.location = (300, 250) # Creating Mix Shader Node mix_shader_node = group.nodes.new(type='ShaderNodeMixShader') mix_shader_node.location = (450, 100) #Creating Color Ramp ------------------------------------------------------ col_ramp = group.nodes.new(type="ShaderNodeValToRGB") #col_ramp.name = "col_ramp" col_ramp.location = (400, -300) col_ramp.color_ramp.elements.remove(col_ramp.color_ramp.elements[0]) col_ramp.color_ramp.elements.new(0.750) col_ramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0,0,0,1) col_ramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = (1.0) col_ramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1, 1, 1, 1) # Creating Links Between Nodes---------------------------------------------- group.links.new(diffuse_node.outputs["BSDF"], mix_shader_node.inputs[1]) group.links.new(glossy_node.outputs["BSDF"], mix_shader_node.inputs[2]) group.links.new(input_node.outputs["Diffuse Color"], diffuse_node.inputs[0]) group.links.new(input_node.outputs["Glossy Color"], glossy_node.inputs[0]) group.links.new(input_node.outputs["Glossyness"], glossy_node.inputs[1]) group.links.new(output_node.inputs["Diffuse Color"], diffuse_node.outputs[0]) group.links.new(output_node.inputs["Glossy Color"], glossy_node.outputs[0]) group.links.new(output_node.inputs["Mix Output"], mix_shader_node.outputs[0]) group.links.new(col_ramp.outputs["Color"], mix_shader_node.inputs[0]) # Putting Node Group to the node editor tree = bpy.context.object.active_material.node_tree group_node = tree.nodes.new("ShaderNodeGroup") group_node.node_tree = group group_node.location = (-40, 300) group_node.use_custom_color = True group_node.color = (1, 0.341, 0.034) group_node.width = 250 shader_node_output_material_node = tree.nodes["Material Output"] links = tree.links links.new(group_node.outputs[0], shader_node_output_material_node.inputs[0]) #Material ends here------------------------------ classes = (TEST_MATERIAL_OT_add_material) def register(): bpy.utils.register_class(TEST_MATERIAL_OT_add_material) def unregister(): bpy.utils.unregister_class(TEST_MATERIAL_OT_add_material) if __name__ == "__main__": register()
panel.py - this is the file in which panels are created
import bpy from bpy.types import ( Operator, Panel, ) class TEST_MATERIAL_PT_layout_panel(Panel): bl_label = "Test Material Node" bl_category = "Test Material" bl_space_type = "VIEW_3D" bl_region_type = "UI" def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout layout.operator("test_material.add_material", icon='IMPORT') def register(): bpy.utils.register_class(TEST_MATERIAL_PT_layout_panel) def unregister(): bpy.utils.unregister_class(TEST_MATERIAL_PT_layout_panel) if __name__ == "__main__": register()
Can anyone tell me what I am missing here?
mesh = bpy.context.object.data
bymesh = context.object.data
,bpy.context.object.active_material.use_nodes = True
bycontext.object.active_material.use_nodes = True
... $\endgroup$