
In blender, you can hold your mousecursor over a button to see both what it does, as well as the python code that it would run.

enter image description here

This is an amazing feature. But it still requires me to remember the code before I can copy it into a text editor. Is there a way such that I can press a shortcut and copy the code that is shown on hover?

In the case of the above screenshot, I would like to copy bpy.ops.object.material_slot_add().


1 Answer 1


At least in the lastest version of Blender, you can press Ctrl + C while overing any button (of sorts) to get the Data Path; This, however, doesn't work with Fields (text or numeric), since it copies the value that is already in the field. To fix this there's a "workaround", press RMB (right click) and select Copy Data Path, this however only copies a relative data path;

Also, it wasn't working in 2.72 for me, but I updated to 2.72b and it did.


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