Snapping an empty to the closest vertex of a cube. "Closest" meaning closest to the viewer.
First, loop through the areas or obtain a SpaceView3D by other means. The type of this area returns VIEW_3D
. It's first space will be a VIEW_3D
space. This space has a region_3d
property, which has a perspective_matrix
The perspective_matrix
appears to be the perspective view transform matrix. Mutliple a 3D Vector by the matrix, to get its position relativ to the camera.
Here is a working sample.
import bpy
# function returning the closest vertex of
# param 'ob' is an object in the scene with vertices
def get_closest_vertex_position(scene, ob):
# get an area of type VIEW_3D
areas = [a for a in bpy.context.screen.areas if a.type == 'VIEW_3D']
if not len(areas):
region3d = areas[0].spaces[0].region_3d
# get the view matrix
view_mat_inv = region3d.view_matrix
if region3d.is_perspective:
vertices = [[v, (view_mat_inv*] for v in]
vertices = [[v, -(view_mat_inv*] for v in]
# use a lamda expression to get closest vertex
return min(vertices, key = lambda x: x[1])[0].co