
I would like to move a modifier (which I have already identified) to the bottom of the list of existing modifiers. Unfortunately it does not work and I don't get why...? However, if the object is active, it moves perfectly to the bottom:

#ob = my object, not necessarily it must be selected, it is found by a function
#smooth = #my modifier (found through a function)
for m in ob.modifiers:
    bpy.ops.object.modifier_move_down(modifier = smooth.name)

This only works if the active object is ob. Do I have to override the context? There is a similar question to this but I have no idea how to apply this in my case.

It seems that I have solved my problem by overriding the context members:

for m in ob.modifiers:
    c = {}
    c["object"] = c["active_object"] = ob
    bpy.ops.object.modifier_move_down(c ,modifier = smooth.name)

Any thoughts? Is there a better way of doing that?

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ I guess you mean to the top right? See: blender.stackexchange.com/q/98891/31447 $\endgroup$
    – brockmann
    Commented Apr 25, 2020 at 8:31
  • $\begingroup$ Ty @brockmann I had already taken a look at this question, but I see that it is practically the same thing that I am doing, the problem is precisely that bpy.ops seems not to work if the object is not active and selected . Please correct me if I'm wrong $\endgroup$
    – Noob Cat
    Commented Apr 25, 2020 at 17:43
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ WiP... A comprehensive list of operator overrides $\endgroup$ Commented Feb 19, 2022 at 14:55

1 Answer 1


Override the context by passing the actual object {'object': obj} to bpy.ops.object.modifier_move_up() or bpy.ops.object.modifier_move_down() operator.

Example on how to move all subdivision modifiers by name (they are usually called 'Subdivision') of multiple objects to the top (position 0) in the modifier stack:

C = bpy.context
mod_name = "Subdivision"

for obj in C.selected_editable_objects:
    # Test whether there is a modifier called "Subdivision" at all 
    if any(m for m in obj.modifiers if m.name == mod_name):
        # Iterate through all modifiers in reverse
        for mod in reversed(C.object.modifiers):
            # Move the modifier as long as its position is 0
            while obj.modifiers.find(mod_name) != 0:
                bpy.ops.object.modifier_move_up({'object': obj}, modifier=mod_name)

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