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David Newberry's user avatar
David Newberry
  • Member for 7 years, 2 months
  • Last seen more than 4 years ago
trying to make a "glow" effect on a scene to be composited over VSE
Thank you again. If you wouldn't mind uploading your blender file, I would like to look at it. I think I might have accidentally changed some setting, because I don't see why my project is having this issue... it seems like basically the same approach, to me. If you feel like checking it out my project, I uploaded it:…
trying to make a "glow" effect on a scene to be composited over VSE
Hi, thank you for your answer! I will try out this method, but I just want to check -- my main issue is that when I go to the Video Sequence Editor, and Render a frame of my project, the transparency is wrong. The video shows through behind the glow, as it should... but everywhere else that should be transparent, it renders white. Does your setup avoid that? In some ways it looks kinda similar to the nodes I came up with.