
I have a Butterfly which exists out of 7 different mesh files. How can i create one centered pivot point

for this file. So that when i import it into my Compositing software (fusion9) the butterfly has a centered pivot point?

enter image description here

Cause at the moment when i export the .abc file out of Blender --> and i import it into Fusion the pivot point is way of.

enter image description here

So my questions is:

How can i select all the meshes --> and create a pivot point for the whole butterfly?

  • $\begingroup$ Is your bug object at global origin (0, 0, 0) and unrotated when you exported it? It appears to be in same pose as in blender file. $\endgroup$
    – batFINGER
    Commented Sep 25, 2017 at 8:56

2 Answers 2


If you want all meshes to have the same, centred origin:

  • Select all meshes you want to average the centre from
  • Snap - Cursor to selected (or place your 3D cursor where you want their centre to be)
  • Snap - Origin to 3D cursor

I use the "3D View: Dynamic Context Menu" addon to easily find these

You could also join the meshes together with Ctrl+J, depends on the use case I suppose.

I guess in your case for export you might want to move their centre to the origin of the scene afterwards to have their centre be the same in the export

3D Cursor to Selected Origin to 3D Cursor Resulting Origins

  • $\begingroup$ thanx for your reply. I don't see the option --> Snap --> Origin to 3d cursor I do have the option Transform --> Origin to 3d cursor I have tried this, but this also doesn't work unfortunately $\endgroup$ Commented Sep 25, 2017 at 9:14

Select objects RMB > Set Origin > Origin to Center of Mass (Volume)

enter image description here


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