I created an 'Enemy' object (Rigid Body) which has a 'Weapon' object (Rigid Body as well) as a child and the 'Weapon' object in turn has a child called 'Muzzle' (No collision, an Empty object). The 'Weapon' object rotates with its parent in a normal fashion, but the 'Muzzle' goes on a rather weird trajectory when the 'Enemy' rotates (like a very narrow ellipse, might as well not be an ellipse at all but some other random curve). Any ideas how to solve this? P.S. Sorry for my bad English...
$\begingroup$ You should probably post some screenshots of your scene, objects, logic, constraints, physics options, and other relevant data. Possibly also a as simplified as possible file reproducing the problem $\endgroup$– Duarte Farrajota Ramos ♦Commented Jun 20, 2017 at 23:10
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1 Answer
Make "Muzzle" and "Weapon" one object,with Ctrl J, and set "Enemy" as its parent.
$\begingroup$ I actually deleted the 'Muzzle' and wrote a script for the 'Weapon' to add a bullet at a certain offset from its own position. Thank you! $\endgroup$ Commented Jun 21, 2017 at 10:27