I have not found a built in function either.
Here is a commented code to do it if that can help:
import bpy
from mathutils import Vector
#Get object and UV map given their names
def GetObjectAndUVMap( objName, uvMapName ):
obj = bpy.data.objects[objName]
if obj.type == 'MESH':
uvMap = obj.data.uv_layers[uvMapName]
return obj, uvMap
return None, None
#Scale a 2D vector v, considering a scale s and a pivot point p
def Scale2D( v, s, p ):
return ( p[0] + s[0]*(v[0] - p[0]), p[1] + s[1]*(v[1] - p[1]) )
#Scale a UV map iterating over its coordinates to a given scale and with a pivot point
def ScaleUV( uvMap, scale, pivot ):
for uvIndex in range( len(uvMap.data) ):
uvMap.data[uvIndex].uv = Scale2D( uvMap.data[uvIndex].uv, scale, pivot )
#UV data are not accessible in edit mode
#The names of the object and map
objName = 'Cube'
uvMapName = 'UVMap'
#Defines the pivot and scale
pivot = Vector( (0.5, 0.5) )
scale = Vector( (2, 2) )
#Get the object from names
obj, uvMap = GetObjectAndUVMap( objName, uvMapName )
#If the object is found, scale its UV map
if obj is not None:
ScaleUV( uvMap, scale, pivot )