How can I display volume of any mesh object?
I can display length of an edge, the area of the face, but nothing for volume. Is it possible?
You can use the 3D Print Toolbox add-on for that. Activate it in the Preferences and it will appear in the Tool Shelf of the 3D View. Top line buttons let you calculate volume and total area.
3D Print Toolbox
and you open it on the absolute left - there are vertical "tabs" Tools, Create, ...., 3D Print Toolbox
(look below "File" menu)
First activate the 3D-Print Toolbox addon: Edit > Preference >Add-ons and search 'print'. Now you can find the toolbox in the sidebar panel (press n if it does not show) Look in the 3D-print tab under statistics.
You don't need an addon for this.
In general, the methods for calculating the volume of a mesh can be divided into two categories: (1) Analytical methods which are based on mathematical formulas, these methods are efficient and accurate but are limited to simple shapes. (2) Numerical methods which involve breaking the mesh into smaller parts and summing the volume of those parts. These methods can be applied to any shape, but the accuracy of the results may vary depending on the number of parts used and the method for calculating the volume of each part.
Here's a script that uses the Numerical Method to calculate the volume of a mesh.
import bpy
import bmesh
from mathutils import Vector
obj = bpy.context.active_object
me =
bm =
bmesh.ops.triangulate(bm, faces=bm.faces)
volume = 0
for f in bm.faces:
v1 = f.verts[0].co
v2 = f.verts[1].co
v3 = f.verts[2].co
volume += / 6
print("Volume:", volume)
For performance reasons I came up with the following solution based on rigid body ops.
def select_object(ob):
for o in bpy.context.selected_objects:
ob.select_set(True) = ob
def calc_object_volume(ob):
bpy.ops.rigidbody.mass_calculate(material='Custom', density=1) # density in kg/m^3
return ob.rigid_body.mass
If you want to display the volume inside the scene as an entity then you can use a very simple geometry node setup that is described in the following answer:
Node setup:
Then you can get the volume output to a value to string and then use a string to curve node to display it in the scene.