I am writing a Blender Add-on which takes properties from configuration file and generates a tree based on the customization. The Add-On allows tweaking of certain properties, most notably whether the tree is monopodial (one canopy) or sympodial (multiple canopies).
If the tree is sympodial, I want the user to be able to select how many canopies are present in the Add-On. If the tree is monopodial, I want the fields to either be hidden or greyed out/locked for editing.
I've tried something like
row = box.row()
row.prop(scn, "Tree_Form")
if (tree_form == "Sympodial")
row = box.row()
row.prop(scn, "Num_Canopies")
But I haven't had success. Admittedly, I am a complete novice to Python and Blender Add-Ons in general.
if(scn.Tree_Form == "Sympodial"):
Don't forget the colon after the if statement. $\endgroup$