So I am aware that you can create a custom property directly in Blender, and use it into an Attribute Node,
but in my case, I would like to try to use my pointerproperty as an Attribute, it is written in python and is of type Object. Here is how it is in Python:
from bpy.props import PointerProperty, FloatVectorProperty
from bpy.types import Object, PropertyGroup
class MyClass(PropertyGroup):
my_vectors: FloatVectorProperty()
bpy.types.Object.my_pointer_prop = PointerProperty(type=MyClass, options={'HIDDEN'},
name="My Pointer")
To access the property, with python you do this:
ob = C.object
Now I would like to set this property in the Attributes node, but I don't know if it is possible, and if so, how to write into it.