I have created a simple building with fairly steep (pitched) roof and want to add ridge capping.
I tried using a method (see below) which was recommended to me in a previous question (how to add 'framing timber' to the edges of an octagon) but cannot get it to work on the roof maybe because the angle between the sides of the roof is a lot less than the angles on the side of an octagon ie 60 degrees I am not sure. What I did was (edit mode) select the 'edge' which forms the ridge of the roof. Apply Bevel setting the shape to 1 and the segments to 2 I then pressed AltE to Extrude Faces Along Normals as instructed in the other question but nothing seemed to happen this time and for the previous project also so I selected extruded along normals with the extrude 'tool'. I enabling the offset even option. Could not get it to work.
What am I doing wrong or what is the preferred method to create ridge capping on a roof?
The original question referred to can be viewed at How can I add framing timber to my octagonal tower
Here is a simple blender model (original is too large in file size to upload).