After rendering with F12, you can switch between slots by pressing 1,2,3... depending on the slot you want to go to. Is there a shortcut to switch between before/after composite, instead of choosing in the top right menu ? Thank you.
1 Answer
No, it seems there is no shortcut for switching between 'raw' view layer and composite. Also, you cannot assign the dropdown menu (or any of its contents) to the quick favorites [Q].
But there's a cheap workaround that I like to use (because I am not a big fan of compositor's Backdrop function): In Edit > Preferences > Interface > Temporary Editors, set Render In to "Image Editor". In the Compositing Tab, create two Image Editors (I like to do a Vertical Split) and set one to View Layer and the other to Composite:
I know, it's cheap. But at least you can compare the result without switching back and forth.
1$\begingroup$ I see. I appreciate you taking the time to respond. $\endgroup$ Commented Mar 8, 2023 at 17:21