
I search to use image sequence in geometry node with image texture node.

enter image description here

The Input Frame should be able to do this, but I can't get it to work.

This is a simple geonode setup for use texture to selection :

enter image description here

With a single image it work, but I don't know how to match the frame range with my sequence ;

enter image description here

Someone have any idea ?

Thanks in advance


3 Answers 3


I usually do it like this:

  1. I add an Image Texture node in the Geometry Nodes Editor. For the Frame input I use the Scene Time node's Frame output. Then I click Open to import an image sequence.

image texture node

  1. In the Open Image dialogue box I select all images of the sequence I want to import. I make sure that in the sidepanel (hit N to bring it up) the option Detect Sequences is enabled. Although I think this option should provide it works even if you only select the first image - it doesn't. Then I click Open Image.

open image dialogue

And that's all. If I now play the animation, the image sequence plays as well. If you only have opened the first image or didn't enable Detect Sequences you can still make it work:

  1. Go to the Image Editor and select the first frame of the sequence in the dropdown menu at the top.

  2. In the sidepanel (N) change Source from Single Image to Image Sequence. Then you can change the Frame number to the length of your image sequence.

image editor options

Now it should work even if you just opened the first image or the Detect Sequences option was disabled.


@Gordon's answer is right! I will just add a little thing that tripped me:

The ImageSequence offset is not automatically calculated from the image data block in GN if you use the frame input:


So you just have to add the offset yourself:


The same thing applies to cyclic. Use a modulo node set to the total frame count before adding the offset


Ok, I figured out how to make it work,

Open the image sequence in the panel Texture Properties, and frame range on the node work :o

enter image description here

On the other hand I don't understand how it makes the link with the node...


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