So, I upgraded my computer and now it is working much better. Still, I wonder if there is any document that explain how to best optimize it to match the computer.
For example, I was working on a sculpting with an image with about 9M faces. The system started to crawl at times, so I monitored my system capacity and,
- GPU not very utilized with a top of about 27% usage.
- CPU very lightly used (12700K)
- Ram, still plenty available. 32GB Ram total, 70% top used
- Using M2 SSD for scratch disk. Also seems low used.
I am trying to understand if the system was ok in capacity what is causing blender to slow down heavily at times.
I am not yet at rendering. Working sculpting on viewport shading. Blender 3.21 Windows 11 Prefernces > System > OptiX (as using RTX GPU)
) can be used so don't go too low. $\endgroup$