It seems that the motion tracking workspace is designed to be used to guide a 3D scene, but is it possible to export the position of one (or more) markers over time?
1 Answer
I just wanted to do the same thing: Export tracked marker locations in screen space for each frame. There is a Motion Tracking Export Plugin which seems to do that. Looking at its source code, the marker coordinates can be obtained in a few lines of Blender Python script:
import bpy
frameStart = bpy.context.scene.frame_start
frameEnd = bpy.context.scene.frame_end
clip =[0]
#videoWidth = clip.size[0]
#videoHeight = clip.size[1]
tracks = clip.tracking.tracks
for i in range(frameStart, frameEnd+1):
firstTrack = tracks[0]
#trackerName =
marker = firstTrack.markers.find_frame(i)
x = # relative X coordinate between 0 and 1
y = 1.0 - # flipped, relative Y coordinate between 0 and 1