Hello i created a custom operator preset system.
i'd like to know how to have acces to the name of an active preset. i think an example from any preset in blender could help me in my research.
There's no info about this anywhere.
This is the code i was able to collect so far
#this is the correct code mut within blender ! no with my addon
bpy.data.window_managers["WinMan"].preset_name = "New Preset"
#call preset menu of nlender ! not my addon
#add a new preset
bpy.ops.scatter.custom_slot_preset_add_operator(name="Wow", remove_name=False, remove_active=False)
#execute a preset from my addon
bpy.ops.script.execute_preset(filepath="filepathofthepreset", menu_idname="Scatter_MT_C_Slots_PresetMenu")
#call preset menu
i need to find the bpy.data.window_managers["WinMan"].preset_name = "New Preset" for my addon menu. i don't know how this is possible ?