
I am writing an addon popup that shows all the current shortcuts. This is context sensitive and I have it mostly done. However, I am not able to get much information from the other python addons.

Below is some of CoDEManX's code that collects a lot of the info I need. However, it does not seem to collect anything for Python addons.

Is there a way to collect the same info that the tooltips do from within python?

mod, opname = idname.split(".")
idname_c = "{!s}_OT_{!s}".format(mod.upper(), opname)
idtype = getattr(bpy.types, idname_c)
description = idtype.bl_rna.description
  • $\begingroup$ You might try idtype.__doc__ to get the documentation string. $\endgroup$ Commented Sep 9, 2014 at 12:09
  • $\begingroup$ I am unsure from which information you want to derive what.So do you have the idnames of the operators or do you want to get them ? if you have the idnames then what exactly do you want to get from the operators ? $\endgroup$
    – Gaia Clary
    Commented Sep 9, 2014 at 18:42
  • $\begingroup$ The tool tip. ie a description of what the op does. $\endgroup$
    – Yardie
    Commented Sep 9, 2014 at 21:39
  • $\begingroup$ thanks pink vertex that got a few more but there are still dome to go. It is very helpful I will be able to follow that lead a bit more. $\endgroup$
    – Yardie
    Commented Sep 9, 2014 at 22:07
  • $\begingroup$ The code is here (blenderartists.org/forum/…) If you try it you'll see what's missing. $\endgroup$
    – Yardie
    Commented Sep 9, 2014 at 22:20

3 Answers 3


Wow Blender/Python is really like an onion ( a rather large on at that ) and my eyes have been watering like made getting through the layers :)

Ok I finally ran grep in the scripts directory as I should have when pink vertex first sugessted it. Duh. Line 340 in bl_extract_messages.py gives it up (code below). So it looks to me that if it doesn't have a bl_rna.description (or bl_description) then it uses the __doc__ part. In the process I realised that the bulk of what I need is directly in the keymaps them selves as .name attribute of the individual keymap. This is derived from the bl_label that is in the op that is called by the new keymap definition line.

So I went round in circles when it was right under my nose. Thanks again everyone.

    if bl_rna.description:
        process_msg(msgs, default_context, bl_rna.description, msgsrc, reports, check_ctxt_rna_tip, settings)
    elif cls.__doc__:  # XXX Some classes (like KeyingSetInfo subclasses) have void description... :(
        process_msg(msgs, default_context, cls.__doc__, msgsrc, reports, check_ctxt_rna_tip, settings)

Tooltips appear to display the __doc__ string from the operator class. The simple operator template also hints that this is the tooltip.

There is nothing in place to force an operator to have a __doc__ string so you may want to fall back to the bl_label which must be defined. In the rare event that is an empty string I would fall back to the idname.

mod, opname = idname.split(".")
idname_c = "{!s}_OT_{!s}".format(mod.upper(), opname)
idtype = getattr(bpy.types, idname_c)

if len(idtype.__doc__) > 0:
    description = idtype.__doc__
    if len(idtype.bl_label) > 0:
        description = idtype.bl_label
        description = " ".join(opname.split("_"))

I assume you have the operator's bl_idname at hand. Lets say your operator's bl_idname is "avastar.shape_type_bone_hint"

Now you can do this:

# I assume you got the operator's bl_idname from somewhere.

idname = "avastar.shape_type_bone_hint"
op = eval("bpy.ops."+idname)
idtype=getattr(bpy.types, op.idname())

# Now you can get the operator's bl_* declarations as follows:

bl_idname      = getattr(idtype,"bl_idname",      None)
bl_label       = getattr(idtype,"bl_label",       None)
bl_description = getattr(idtype,"bl_description", None)
bl_options     = getattr(idtype,"bl_options",     None)

I am still unsure if this is exactly what you have asked for. but this will give you the operator's bl_description. However, maybe there is a more elegant way to get the idtype from the operator.


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