
The Effect "Optics Compensation" in After Effects is great to compensate the distortion of certain lenses such as Fisheye lenses or wide angle, etc.

enter image description here

I have only so far been able to replicate this in Blender by assigning my photo/video to a plane in the 3D space, aiming the Camera down and using Compositor nodes as such:

enter image description here

But for efficiency purposes - because assigning videos of photo textures to a plane adds an extra step, I would like to be able to use this Lens Distortion to the VSE directly.

I have seen some questions here saying you can link the Compositor to a scene, but I am unable to reproduce and to fully use the Compositor's nodes in video edits, ideally I would like to see the change in effects settings live.

How can the Compositor Node effects be used in VSE in a streamlined way?

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Are you talking manually entering the distortion or using calculated distortion data from the camera tracker? As in- I know the camera tracker can un-distort / re-distort footage, and I'm pretty sure this is done in the compositor. $\endgroup$
    – MarkS
    Commented Sep 21, 2019 at 12:05
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ I want to use the lens distortion (and other) node in the video editor as simply as possible $\endgroup$ Commented Sep 21, 2019 at 16:35
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Sorry then, I shall have to duck-out of this: I know little or nothing about the video editor, compositor & tracker in Blender- as I use Davinci, Fusion & Syntheyes for these workflows myself... Sorry! $\endgroup$
    – MarkS
    Commented Sep 22, 2019 at 3:15

2 Answers 2


You can directly undistort footage in the Sequencer, once you have it set up correctly in 2.8.

Open up the movie clip editor and open your footage.


To properly choose some distorsion value, we will have to be able to preview the result. Go to the top right of the movie clip editor, click on Clip Display and check Render Undistorted. This will give us the undistorted view of the footage live in the movie clip editor.

render undistort

Open the Track rider N > Track and go to the Lens Panel. Here are the Lens Distorsion parameters K1, K2 and K3. Change their values and see how the footage (un)distorts itself. It can help to draw a Line Annotation to evaluate the straightness of lines.


Once you are satisfied with the undistorsion go to the sequencer. (You will have to load up all the footages in the movie clip editor which you want to use in the sequencer if you want to undistort them there.)

Add the created movie clip to the sequencer by pressing ⇧ ShiftA > Clip > YourClipName.mov.
Open up the properties panel N and go to the Strip rider. Go to the Adjust > Video panel and check Undistort Clip. The added clip will be rendered undistorted directly from the sequencer.

render undistorted


There's currently no effect strip (that I know of) that directly allows optic compensation on a clip as simply as it does in After Effects (that would be a good vse coding project to work on). But you can use compositing nodes in a separate scene for a clip and then add that scene to the VSE in your original scene. (Note that you don't need to use a plane to achieve this, you can add the movie clip directly into the compositor)

enter image description here


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